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Tofaah Concert and Art Fair
March 05, 2018

Feel the Power With Us at El Halev!

poster Tofaah at El Halev 2018

Tofa'ah will be performing live at El Halev on Tuesday evening, March 6, 2018. Come ready to dance!

El HaLev teaches women, teens, children, seniors, people with special needs to defend themselves against sexual, physical, and verbal assault, actively working toward a world in which all individuals are conscious of their capability and right to recognize, prevent, and overcome violence.

Let's join forces against violence, and bring more light and joy in the world. When we all come together - Feel the Power...

We look forward to singing and dancing with you tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 6,
Tofaah will be performing at 9:00 p.m.
2 Poalei Tzedek St, 3rd Fl.,
Talpiot, Jerusalem
Admission: 50 shekels/students 35 shekels ; free for El Halev students

poster Tofaah at El Halev 2018 Hebrew

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